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Written by Mabel Esther Allan
Published by Hutchinson of London in 1960

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Front cover

Cover of SHADOW OVER THE ALPS by Mabel Esther Allan


  • Shadow over the Alps....shadow over the happy.laughing group of Sixth Formers who were taken to Switzerland for a holiday. It seemed incredible, impossible that anyone should wish one of their party dead - and yet as they wandered through the meadows and visited the Alpine lakes, there were small but terrifying pointers. And the atmosphere of menace increased on the Wildenhorn glacier, in the awe-inspiring Aare Gorge. What member of the party was the suspect? There was no real clue. Could it be Gilbride, the silent Scot, the apparent outsider, or one of the two seemingly pleasant school teachers or Shaw or Barny, so friendly and helpful?
  • With the railway out of action they became virtual prisoners on the Rosenzenhorn...and then came the climax - a dangerous terrifying moment on a pinnacle of snow and ice.